
03 August 2023: DON’T LET THE DEVIL WEAKEN YOUR FAITH IN GOD – John 10:10; Ephesians 4:27


The devil cannot confront a born-again spirit, but if that child of God gets into a weakened condition, the devil can deal with him/her. This is because the devil is like a jaguar that wears its enemy out so that he can conquer easily and do maximum damage.

Many Christians fall prey to the devil because they are not watchful. The thief doesn’t come except because there’s something to steal. So, when the devil shows his ugly face, know there’s something he wants to steal, and you will be foolish to let him have a walk over and steal from you. 

Once you decide to grow spiritually, the devil will send all kinds of demons to dissuade and distract you!

For example, a domestic staff quitting all of a sudden so you have to do chores and have less time for spiritual activities. At such times, you must change gears by praying in tongues non-stop under your breath while carrying out your duties at work or driving. Don’t even let illness get the better of you. When under the assault of any illness, pray in tongues for hours and watch it give way.

Be sensitive to anything the devil might want to use to stop you from carrying out your spiritual activities. The Holy Spirit will sensitise and guide you into activities you must do. These activities are your lifeline, and the devil wants to cut you from them so you can be easy prey for him at any time.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be spiritually alert and watchful. I will give no opportunity to the devil in my life and affairs in Jesus’ name. Amen!

2 Chronicles 33:14-34:33; Romans 16:10-27; Psalm 26:1-12; Proverbs 20:19

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