The Church is not just a building with four walls; it is supposed to be a training centre. The Church is God’s workshop on the earth. It is the centre of His attraction on the earth. So, if you must walk in the fullness of God’s vision for your life, you must be accurate in your choice of church. God still leads people to church. You need to know that it is not every church that God has prepared to train you for your destiny because each church is characterised by its assignment.
From the texts today, I am sure you can see clearly the role of the Church in maturing the saints.
Maturing cannot take place anywhere outside of the Church because the Church is God’s workshop. Though the Church has been equipped by God to mature the saints, it is not every church that is equipped to supply each individual’s specific training.
The Church is likened to the body of Christ and you are aware that a body is composed of several parts. The location of your body parts is proportional to their functions. Can you imagine what you would look like if your head was situated where your stomach is and your feet were where your nose is? So, each church is created by God to fulfil a definite task. Your training for the vision of God for your life is in a church and you must pray to God to lead you to that church.
Sadly, most people are in the wrong church for various reasons ranging from proximity, fashion and style, and so on. I make bold to tell you that your choice of church is immensely an important matter to God because He does not want you to be in a wrong place.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to settle and posture correctly in the Church You have ordained for me in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23; 2 Timothy 2:1-21; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 26:3-5
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