
08 May 2022: WHAT JESUS COMES TO REDEEM US FROM (2) – Romans 8:11-23

Yesterday, I showed you five things that God redeems us from. I will be showing you two more today.

6. REDEMPTION OF THE BODY (Rom. 8): When Jesus comes back for us, our bodies will be redeemed. Our bodies are not redeemed at present. That is why your body will want to do evil and your flesh still wants to misbehave. Big thanks to God we are going to have new bodies one day. Soon and very soon we are going to have bodies that do not get tired, bodies that will fully cooperate with our spirits and want to serve God. At present, the type of bodies we have does not want to serve God.

7. REDEMPTION OF GIFTS AND CALLING: The climax of this whole story of redemption is the redemption of gifts and callings. When a man’s gifts and calling are not redeemed, he is living a life of futility. The Bible says, “Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish (Pro. 29:18, AMP)” – there is a lot of wastage. I pray for you that your life will be accomplished, fulfilled and maximised under the programme of God for your life in Jesus’ name.

The full redemption of man as it relates to the purpose of God for him is a dimension of redemption many people do not get so much involved in because it demands efforts on the part of man. Redemption from sin, the curse, and the evil world is entirely based on what Jesus has done. The redemption of our time and redemption from futility requires efforts on our parts. These two especially have to do with your destiny but the redemption of the body has not been done. I pray for you that you will take these dimensions of your redemption serious and appropriate them in Jesus’ name.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit to take hold together with me against my infirmities and birth a total recovery of all I have lost to sin, the devil, and the world in Jesus’ name. Amen!

1 Samuel 2:22-4:22; John 5:24-47; Psalm 106:1-12; Proverbs 14:30-31

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