I want you to remember that God is actively disconnecting individuals from evil influences and joining them to the right flows. One of the enemy’s tactics against divine joining is the spirit of mockery. When Elijah was about to depart, Elisha continued to follow him, only to be mocked by the sons of the prophets, who said that the Lord was taking his master from him. This spirit of mockery still works today to divert people from their destinies.
For instance, you may be praying and feel led by the Holy Spirit to anoint your daughter. However, when you find her surrounded by others, the fear of public opinion might stop you—that is the spirit of mockery trying to distance you from that anointing.
Will you possess the anointing when those important in your life need it, or will you be separated from it due to mockery?
After finishing service in church, you might feel led in your heart to kneel before the man of God for prayer, only to hear a voice saying, “Are you really going to kneel in front of everyone?” Peter warned us that in the last days, mockers will arise—those driven by their senses who separate themselves from the Spirit (2 Pet. 3:3 AMP). This spirit seeks to disconnect you from the Holy Spirit, the anointing, and the blessings that come from obeying God. Remember, “What will people think?”—that is the spirit of mockery speaking to you, trying to separate you from your divine purpose. Don’t let it. Stand firm in your faith and stay connected to the flow of God.
PRAYER: Father, I receive deliverance from the spirit of mockery. I will not be disconnected from the anointing by the operations of this spirit in Jesus’ Name.
Zephaniah 1:1-3:20, Revelation 10:1-11, Psalm 138:1-8, Proverbs 30:11-14
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