
07 December 2023: GOD MAKES YOU FOR MARRIAGE BEFORE PUTTING YOU IN IT – Genesis 2:15, 18, 22

God planted a garden eastward in Eden and put Adam there. God gave him a place; He settled him in his place. One problem common to some people who never found their destiny and never broke forth into destiny was that they started getting into relationships before they found out where their place is in God.

God’s plan is to tell a man where he is supposed to be, what he is supposed to do, and where to go. God then brings a wife into the man’s life who will join him to go where He (God) sends him, not the wife telling him where he is supposed to go.

If you see a man who has the call of God but doesn’t take the call seriously until a lady comes into his life, that lady will paint his calling. She is the one who will likely prophesy and tell the man the town where she had always wanted to settle. If, however, the man had known and heard God before the lady came, then he would be able to tell her, “God has said this is my place. I am staying here and you are joining me.”

Your priority should be to become the right person for your marriage.

Marriage happens to some people before they become the right person for the marriage, therefore, their marriage is not a furtherance of destiny as God designed it. Your marriage must align with the divine plan for your destiny to be released.

PRAYER: Lord, I open my life to become who I am to be for my marriage to be what You have in mind, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Hosea 6:1-9:17; 3 John 1:1-14; Psalm 126:1-6; Proverbs 29:12-14

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