Some people take pride in telling you how much sickness they have in their bodies as if they are collecting medals for negative confessions. You shouldn’t be saying what the devil is giving you. Have you said what God has given you?
I went to minister to a lady who suddenly began to have strange symptoms that indicated an incurable disease in her body. Her fear was so terrible. I told her to touch the disease site and declare that it was nothing, but she kept quiet. I repeated the instruction and she declared it, but without attaching any meaning to what she said. I told her to repeat it thrice, meaningfully, and daily for seven consecutive days. After seven days, all the symptoms disappeared. The devil wanted to sell an incurable disease to her and she could have bought it with her mouth.
You can experience the supernatural power of faith that takes you from human limitations to the realms of divine possibilities.
The spirit of faith in some people is starved, stale, or almost dead. They have it, but have not used it for so long and have been speaking by their head and not their spirits. Caleb said, “I brought him word again as it was in mine heart” (not as it was in his head) (Jos. 14:7). He saw the giants with his head (physical eyes), but he saw something else in his heart (spiritual eyes). As Christians, we must speak according to what is in our hearts, not what is in our heads because what is in the head is seen by others too. Your heart is the realm where God can come to your aid and you must carefully guard what is in it (Pro. 4:23).
PRAYER: Lord, I reject every negative thing the devil has sold to me that I have accepted. I cancel it with the blood of Jesus. I key into the supernatural power of faith to free me from every limitation that I have permitted in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 16:1-19:29; 1 Corinthians 16:1-24; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 22:1 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/A6u)
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