The world today has been seduced by the devil into a place that the devil wanted the world to focus attention on the misbehaviours of Christians in order to think that the Church has nothing to offer them, and that salvation is not real.
Believers are also reading these things in newspapers and the devil will never tell them that for one Christian that misbehaves, there are ten Christians that are behaving right. The devil will never shine a light on the good behaviours and lives of sound believers, but he will highlight one that is misbehaving to seduce others into a place where they won’t go to God when they need Him.
The people that write those things focus on misbehaviour that is not coming from a righteous root, but they never see old men at 70, 75, 80 years that are marrying young girls as new wives. Nobody sees what is wrong in a man that is 75 years marrying a 26-year-old girl that is age mate with his third daughter. The world has now formed its own definition of what is acceptable misbehaviour but highlights the misbehaviours of Christians to justify their own ‘acceptable’ misbehaviour and excuse not to accept God’s standard.
Heaven is not for perfect people; it is for forgiven people. It is when we get to heaven that we will be perfected. That is not a license to misbehaviour though. That is why the Bible says all our righteousness is like filthy rags in God’s sight (Isa. 64:6). Any righteous work that is not coming from salvation is not acceptable to God because it is establishing your own righteousness apart from God; it is saying that God has no contribution in your life.
PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for the life I have in Christ Jesus, I receive the grace and enablement to be righteous in this world in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23