
31 Dec 2021: POWER OF OPEN COMMUNICATION IN THE FAMILY (2) – Isaiah 1:18, Philippians 2:3-4

When our children started growing older, I instituted the concept of every family member being able to call for a family meeting. If you feel a matter is important enough to you, you can call and everybody, wherever we are, will sit down and listen.

When you move from marriage to family, you will understand that seasons will also change as your children grow older; you will discover that many Christian parents have lost their children by remaining commanders in the home. You must change from being a commander. You will be surprised when your daughter begins to talk to you about the things that she knows.

Over the years, one of the things that I have done for many young men is to minister to them what their father never ministered to them. Some never had a father because the father was not there, he didn’t know the father. For some, the father was present but absent. For some, the father was aabusive and there is something absent in their life.

Recently, during one of the Father’s Day celebrations, the Lord instructed me to buy a gift for everyone that is fatherless, either because of the death of the father or an absent father, just to show the love of the heavenly Father. I thought it was a joke because of the number of people and I knew how much money was going to come from my pocket, but the heavenly Father said, “You are doing it on my behalf, I will take care of it.” I obeyed, and you know God has blessed me more than 10 times what I did. God is a good Father! As a father, ensure you are there for your children and allow everyone in the family to freely express themselves.

PRAYER: Lord! I receive the grace to build a home where honour, the love of God and the fear of God reigns.

Malachi 3:1-4:6, Revelation 22:1-21, Psalm 150:1-6, Proverbs 31:25-31

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