
22 août 2024 : LES RÉSULTATS DE L’HOMME BÉNI (2) – GENÈSE 39:1-7

J.oseph (and Potiphar)

Today, we will see some more examples. Some people think that to be blessed means that you do not work for anybody. Pride and blessing do not work together. Joseph did not resign to go and start anything. The Bible says he was prosperous, and he was in the house of his master. The Bible describes Potiphar as his master, but if you look at the two of them, if Joseph were driving his boss and you see both, you will think that Potiphar is the servant because it was on Joseph that God’s hand of blessing was resting. In the prison, even as a prisoner, he was still blessed, as he was a leader there. The blessing that was upon him was moving his circumstance until he became the Prime Minister of the land.

Tomorrow belongs to the blessed. Today, your eyes may be looking at something flashy, but you are carrying something greater.

Do not chase something flashy and neglect the blessing that God has called you to.

Other examples of the blessed and the rich are as follows:

1) Jacob and Laban (Gen. 31:1–10): Laban employed Jacob, but Jacob was the blessed. Ten times, Laban changed the salary of Jacob, and ten times God turned it around.

2) David and Saul (1 Sam. 16:13–14): Saul was the king, but God was with David.

3) Esther and Vashti (Est. 1:9; 2:7): Esther was an orphan; Vashti was the queen.

4) Mordecai and Haman (Est. 3; 4:10–13; 7:9–10; 8:2): Mordecai the blessed won the battle.

5) Daniel and the other Presidents (Dan 6:1–3).

PRAYER: Father, help me to daily recognise and remember that I am a blessing carrier, no matter my road of destiny in Jesus’ name.

Job 4:1-7:21, 1 Corinthians 14:18-40, Psalm 37:30-40, Proverbs 21:27


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