This morning, I want to share with you ten things that the blessing brings upon you.
1. It makes you the positively and righteously chosen. Be careful as a child of God not to cross into dangerous grounds. Unbelievers do not have divine covenants on them so there is no divine restraint on them. However, God has placed some restraints on the child of God who is a carrier of the blessing, and you cannot be correctly free until you are restricted righteously.
When terrible things happen to a child of God, do not ever blame God because most times, some Christians choose to walk like a goat instead of a sheep.
2. It causes the lines of life to fall for you in pleasant places (Psa. 16:6).
3. It causes displacement and replacement to work in your favour against your competitor as in the case of Mordecai and Haman.
4. It causes everything to work together for your good (Rom. 8:28).
5. It turns what is meant for evil to become good for you. This was what happened to Joseph and his brothers.
6. It turns your mistake to your good and the glory of God. That was what happened to David.
7. It makes your voice to carry the sound of the favourite anywhere.
8. It connects you to the good of every land you find yourself while separating you from the sword that is in the land. Every land has its sword and good.
9. It puts you beyond the reach of curses.
10. It makes your smell to be attractive to those that matter in your affairs.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for the blessing. Help me to pay close attention to every restriction of the blessed in Jesus’ name.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 8:1-11:20, 1 Corinthians 15:1-28, Psalm 38:1-22, Proverbs 21:28-29 SPIRIT MEAT ON ANDROID AND iOS Spirit Meat on Android: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatAndroid Spirit Meat on iOS: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatIOS YouVersion: http://bible.us/r/Cmi ———————————————————— Jesus is Lord! ———————————————————— www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org www.soundcloud.com/reverendareogun www.dciradio.org https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatDailyDevotionalWhatsApp YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries +2348037252124 #SpiritMeat #ReverendAreogun ———————————————————— Copyright ©️ 2023 The public is hereby informed that exclusive copyright subsists in this work and therefore any attempt to reproduce, copy, distribute to public for commercial purposes, publish any translation of the work, make any film in respect of the work, make an adaptation of the work, either the whole or substantial part of the work, either in its original form or in any form recognisably derived from the original is an infringement on the right of the author and subject to litigation unless and except the author has officially and clearly authorized the said person or persons or the author is clearly acknowledged in the work.