
05 February 2023: WHY WE PRAY (5): TO AVOID FALLING INTO THE TEMPTATIONS AND TRAPS OF THE DEVIL (1) – Matthew 26:41; 2 Chronicles 26:1-16

There are traps and temptations that the devil plans for people, but you will avoid them and navigate around them if you pray. Without prayers, the devil can lure you into errors and traps, so be careful.

Uzziah was a king with incredible capacity. He had many businesses, built many things, and God gave him divine help all around. He also had the grace for administration but verse 16 of our text tells us that his heart was lifted to his destruction when he was strong because he transgressed against God. Pride came in because he opened himself to it.

This is the reason we must spend time praying so that we do not fall into temptations. One thing that God hates is arrogance or pride.

Once the devil pushes a man into the vehicle of pride, he leaves him alone to destruction because the Bible says, “God resisteth the proud (Jam. 4:6)”. The devil does not need to fight a proud man because God is his enemy.

The first sign of arrogance and pride is prayerlessness. When the devil begins to come into your life through pride, it begins to show in neglect of spiritual activities and the voices of reason and wisdom in your life.

Anybody can become proud. That is why you must guard the gates of your heart against this demonic spirit which brought Lucifer down.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, whatever can open my heart to pride, may it be destroyed from my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Exodus 21:22-23:13; Matthew 24:1-28; Psalm 29:1-11; Proverbs 7:6-23

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