
16 February 2023: INTERCESSION IS EVERY CHRISTIAN’S RESPONSIBILITY – Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16a; Revelation 8:4

At the Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church, intercession is both a corporate assignment and an individual activity. It is the duty and responsibility of the Church to bear the burdens of its members and the society to God in intercession. By discharging that corporate assignment, individuals’ destinies are also birthed. Some are given the unique grace of intercessors and special ministries. When we begin to pray, we stop the works of hell and the intention of darkness and establish the purpose of God on the face of the earth.

Intercession is not a laborious task even though many people think it is. This mindset is due to the selfish nature of man. The natural man is selfish, and his attention is always on himself.

If it concerns him, he will go to any length. Some people claim they cannot pray all night, but on a day of trouble or problem, they will pray and seek someone to pray for them for as long as it is needed. Man will do anything for himself to survive, but when it comes to interceding for someone else, people begin to develop cold feet, not knowing that it is a satanic deception. Intercession will release more power into your life than when you pray for yourself.

Intercession is not a low assignment; it is a chief assignment in the Kingdom of God. It is a most honourable assignment where a human is in league with God, cooperating with God’s programme and birthing forth the purpose of God on the earth.

PRAYER: Father, I overcome selfishness. I make myself available to pray to bring Your purpose in every situation in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Leviticus 1:1-3:17; Mark 1:29-2:12; Psalm 35:17-28; Proverbs 9:13-18

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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