
15 February 2023: IF YOU HAVE TRESPASSED, CALL ON GOD – 1 John 1:9

Nowhere in the Bible does a man call to God in sincere repentance and He refuses to hear. Even after God had warned the Israelites that, “if you disobey my words and call me, I will not hear”, when they called upon God in repentance, God responded in mercy and a hurry. He might tell them to repent or give them other instructions, but nobody calls on God and He turns His face away forever. He does not have that nature.

God is a real Father that responds to the call of His children. He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercies (Psa. 103:8).

It is the lies of the devil that makes you think of God as an angry and fearsome God who is looking to judge and condemn you for the smallest mistake you make. No! That is not God.

Our God is the restoring Father Who sacrificed His only begotten son, “… that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (Joh. 3:16)”. He gave His Son to give you a chance and a means to restore your relationship with Him. Even after you have failed many times, He remains faithful and just to forgive.

PRAYER: Father, I turn to You in repentance of my trespasses in the name of Jesus. I am restored and made whole in righteousness again, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Exodus 39:1-40:38; Mark 1:1-28; Psalm 35:1-16; Proverbs 9:11-12

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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