
19 August 2023: FAITH IS CRUCIAL (2) – Romans 12:3


If you are a child of God who lacks an understanding of the subject of faith, you will be operating in the world without divine results. Little faith will bring little divine results and great faith will bring great divine results. Faith is not the problem of most Christians; the problem is the lack of understanding needed to deal with the issues that follow. Once you have enough faith to take the first step, you have enough faith for the other steps. However, you need understanding. According to Romans 12:3, “God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith”. You have the same faith, but you don’t have the same understanding. 

The first level of understanding I want you to get is that you have faith as a child of God. Every child of God has the measure of faith. That measure is a divine deposit and it is all you need to get outstanding miracles from the Lord.

The second plank of understanding is that your faith connects you to God’s power for the change you are looking for. Faith is the connector. The power of God is always available but only moves in the direction of faith, and it is God’s power that produces your desired change. God’s power changes things through faith. So, it is critical to exercise this understanding as we walk with God. God wants His children to live a life of continuous victory and one major avenue to achieve that is through the life of faith.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to work on my understanding of faith for a divine outcome in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Esther 4:1-7:10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-26; Psalm 36:1-12; Proverbs 21:21-22

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