
28 avril 2024 : PRINCIPES DE FOI POUR UNE VIE SURNATUREL (2) – Marc 4:35-41

Principle 2 – Clearly Mark out your Objectives and Destinations:
Jesus said, “…Let us pass over unto the other side”; the question is, “Where are you going?” You must be going somewhere: financially, professionally, in marriage, and in ministry. Don’t do activities without a destination in mind. Settle where you are headed. Where do you want to be by the end of the year? Don’t hang around and hope. Have clearly defined objectives. For example, buying a property, laying the foundation of your building, and completing a level of education.

Have clearly defined objectives you are pursuing with your faith and energy.

Have some tangible achievements and accomplishments. Without them, how would you measure progress in life? How can you know if your faith applied has obtained results when you haven’t set a clear destination for it?

Principle 3 – Identify Your Destiny Team:
Jesus said, “…Let ‘us’.” He did not attempt to go into the future alone. There will be people you must go together with. If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together. God did not plan that you go alone in life. You must find out your destiny team. “It is not good for a man to be alone……” this is not only in the marriage context. You need a destiny team to pray together, plan together, share ideas together, and challenge one another. Don’t look for crazy people who only encourage negative habits such as gossiping, time-wasting, and busy going nowhere.

PRAYER: Father, I receive my destiny team in marriage, career and ministry. By faith, I see the glorious destination you have called me into, and I’ll get there in Jesus’ name.

Judges 8:18-9:21, Luke 23:44-24:12, Psalm 99:1-9, Proverbs 14:9-10


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