
20 November 2024: YIELD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT (2) – Ezekiel 47:1-8

Today, I will be sharing with you the second level at which you can yield to the Holy Spirit according to our text (Ezekiel 47). This is the knee-deep level. At this level, the waters were to the knees. At this level, you should be sincere and tell your mind: “Hand over to the Holy Spirit. There is nothing you can do; otherwise, you will get into trouble.” Something about the devil is that he works through the flesh and then through the mind, which is connected to the flesh. The only difference between the knee level and the ankle level of water is that your decisions are not carnal but soulish.

You can craft a vision in your soul; a well-developed soul can reason and put some things down, but a vision is a picture of the completed state, and it is only God who can give a vision because He alone knows the completed state of everyone’s life.

A brother proposed to three sisters and missed it all. In fact, one of the sisters was already on her way to marriage and the brother insisted that God led him. I said, “God did not lead you. You know what led you? I looked at every sister you proposed to; they have the same shape. You have a problem with the hips of women”. I then counselled him to go and learn how to follow the Holy Spirit, “Let your mind be still. Hand over to the Holy Spirit and say, ‘Holy Ghost choose for me’.” I asked him, “What if God gives you a sister with tribal marks?” and he answered, ”the Holy Spirit cannot make mistakes”, so I said to him, “You have already made your own choice.”

Don’t leave critical decisions of your life and future to be determined by your soul. Making soulish decisions can make you lesser than what God has ordained for you. Yield to your spirit and bring your body and soul under.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I hand over every matter and situation in my life unto you. I submit your will and purpose. Holy Ghost takeover and have your way in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ezekiel 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Psalm 118:19-29, Proverbs 28:3-5


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