
21 December 2022: CRITICAL STEPS TO RAISING GODLY SEED (3) – Proverbs 1:10

Another way that Christian parents’ children grow up not becoming godly seeds is when the parents do not differentiate their Christian heritage from earthly family heritage. When a Christian parent has unbeliever relatives and services those relationships better than he/she services relationships in the Christian Kingdom family in church, he/she will pollute the children with godlessness. You may not know this, but your spiritual heritage in Christ is stronger than your earthly heritage. In fact, your Christian brother is meant to be closer to you than your unsaved earthly brother because of your connection in the spirit.

For example, some Christian parents send their daughter briefly to live with an unbeliever aunt. By the time the daughter returns, she has been possessed with a seductive spirit, some dose of familiar spirit, and is not convinced about her Christian virtues anymore because her cousins don’t have the same righteous restrictions as her parents in their house.

Don’t send your children to an ungodly environment without preparing them for it. As a parent, take note as your children grow.

Is your son prepared to go and handle himself alone in a lawless environment where they can do just about anything? If you send your children overseas without preparing them for such an environment, they will go there and come back as lawless.

It is the duty of parents to prepare their daughters and sons for puberty. Educate them about the changes that are taking place in their bodies. Tell the boy that the stains in his pants can impregnate a woman. Tell the girl that her breasts can stir up sexual feelings in the opposite sex.

PRAYER: Father, I receive wisdom and practical steps to raise children that will live for Your will in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Zechariah 1:1-21; Revelation 12:1-17; Psalm 140:1-13; Proverbs 30:17

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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