
07 November 2024: OBTAINING THE DIVINELY PREPARED THINGS – John 16:12-18, 1 Corinthians 2:2-10

UNs a Christian, your goal should be to come to a place where speaking in tongues is no longer a religious ritual for you. Speaking in tongues must be as real to you as your phone. A phone is such a good tool that you carry it around. And just as the phone is a tool in your hand, you must begin to see your ability to speak in tongues in that light as a vital spiritual tool that is of much more importance than a mobile phone. Your very existence and success on the earth depend on your relationship with the Holy Spirit, and that relationship thrives or shrivels in your ability to speak in tongues.

According to 1 Cor 2:9, God has prepared some things for you that your eyes have not seen nor your ears heard – something beyond the scope of your senses. Have you ever been in a place where your mobile phone loses signal, and you cannot receive or make calls? Your mobile phone is still a tool in your hands, but it has gone beyond the range of receiving or making calls.

The five senses of the human body have a range of operations, but ‘the things that God has prepared for you’ are outside of their range.

Si vous opérez uniquement avec vos cinq sens, vous ne serez pas conscient des choses que Dieu a préparées pour vous ; vous serez limité à vos cinq sens lorsque Dieu vous aura préparé des choses qui dépassent les limites de leur fonctionnement.

In verse 10, Paul goes on to say, ‘God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit…’ This verse is why the baptism in the Holy Spirit is so critical; it was the reason the apostles wanted the people to be baptised in the Holy Ghost. How does God reveal the things that He has prepared for us? It is not by education or mental intelligence. It is by His Spirit.

PRAYER: Sweet Holy Spirit, take hold together with me in the place of prayer and help me to connect to the divinely prepared and revealed things from God in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Ézéchiel 16 :42-17 :24, Hébreux 8 :1-13, Psaume 106 :13-31, Proverbes 27 :7-9


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