gles méthodes de Dieu sont encore plus sages que la sagesse des hommes. Aussi, la faiblesse de Dieu est plus forte que la force des hommes. Peu importe à quel point quelque chose que Dieu choisit semble faible, il sera plus fort que la force des hommes.
Just like Paul found himself in the Greek society, where seeking after wisdom and knowledge was prevalent, we are living in an age of information and knowledge. Paul was a well-read man and could engage the Greeks in intellectual arguments. However, he deliberately refrained from engaging in intellectual arguments so that their faith will not rest in the eloquence of man. These days, many preachers have moved away from this practice of Paul and are instead operating at the level of the world by trying to make Christianity acceptable to the culture of the age. They are leaving the strength of Christianity and reaching the world on the level of oratory, education, and intellectualism.
The Holy Ghost’s communication to believers includes giving us signals and signs that are to help us live better lives.
We must decide to listen to him, follow His signals and not neglect them. Deep things are happening on the earth, and God does not want you to be a victim of the deep things of Satan.
There are three deep things operating on the earth which every believer must take note of:
1. Les choses profondes de Dieu
2. The deep things of Satan
3. Les choses profondes de l'homme
If you are not connected to the deep things of God and the deep things of your life, the deep things of Satan will make you a victim. It is praying in the Holy Ghost that connects you to the deep things of God.
PRAYER: Holy Ghost, takeover my life and connect me to the deep things of God and my future. I will never be blind to the deep things of my life in Jesus name. Amen!
BIBLE EN UNE ANNÉE : Ézéchiel 10 :1-11 :25, Hébreux 6 :1-20, Psaume 105 :16-36, Proverbes 27 :1-2 VIANDE SPIRITUELLE SUR ANDROID ET iOS Spirit Meat on Android: Spirit Meat on iOS: YouVersion: ———————————————————— Jesus is Lord! ———————————————————— YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries +2348037252124 #SpiritMeat #ReverendAreogun ———————————————————— Droits d'auteur ©️ 2024 The public is hereby informed that exclusive copyright subsiste dans cet ouvrage et donc toute tentative de reproduction, copier, distribuer au public à des fins commerciales, publier tout traduction de l'œuvre, réaliser tout film relatif à l'œuvre, faire une adaptation de l'œuvre, en totalité ou substantiellement partie de l'œuvre, soit dans sa forme originale, soit sous une forme quelconque reconnaissable dérivé de l'original est une atteinte à la droit de l'auteur et sujet à litige à moins que et sauf l'auteur a officiellement et clairement autorisé ladite personne ou des personnes ou l'auteur est clairement mentionné dans l'œuvre.