
11 November 2022: CORRECT MINISTRY OF INTERCESSION (1) – Genesis 18:17-22

Intercession rests on the foundation of intimacy with God. Correct ministry of intercession stems out of a personal prayer life that is cultivated in intimacy with God. Your prayer points should not only and always be need-generated prayers. Something must be drawing you to God beyond your needs. If you allow your prayers to be need-based alone, you will not pray except you are in trouble. Subsequently, you will not be a qualified vessel that God can partner with to birth His programme on earth.

Whether in your life, family, town, the land, the Church, in the nations or anywhere else, intercession rests on the foundation of intimacy with God.

Intimacy births accuracy and accuracy births impact. To be accurate in prayer, let your prayers be from a foundation of a personal relationship and intimacy with God. Intimacy with the Lord helps us to say prayers borne out of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. When you surrender your vessel to the Holy Spirit, the flesh is put under, and God is allowed to take His place.

When you get involved in the correct ministry of intercession, God takes over your responsibilities and handles your matters and affairs better than you would have. So, it is wise to submit to the will of the Father in the place of intercession and birth His counsel on the earth.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace to be involved in the correct ministry of intercession in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Ezekiel 23:1-49; Hebrews 10:18-39; Psalm 109:1-31; Proverbs 27:13

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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