Today, I will highlight the importance of the husband stepping into his role as a leader and head of the family. As a man, do not lead your family away from God; instead, protect your home from evil influences. God honours your authority within your household. Lead your family wisely, and you will ensure their preservation.
One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is to show them what it means to worship. Let them see you lifting holy hands in the house of God and kneeling in prayer. By closing the doors of your home to strange influences, you create a safe environment where your children can thrive. Take the lead in spiritual matters and watch how it transforms your home.
Parents must realize that children are more likely to emulate actions than words.
What you do in your home speaks louder than what they hear in church. Your example is a powerful teacher. Every man should connect with the flow of the pastor God has placed in his life. While you may not share the same spiritual gifts or characteristics as your pastor, it is important to be aligned in spirit. Cultivate a measure of the sensitivity and discernment that your divinely appointed pastor embodies. The same spiritual force that operates in your pastor should also flow within you, guiding your family in the ways of God.
PRAYER: I pray for every man reading this: may your wife find strength in your leadership, and may your children be able to rely on their father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Malachi 1:1-2:17, Revelation 21:1-27, Psalm 149:1-9, Proverbs 31:10-24
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