
19 March 2024: THE COVENANT ADVANTAGE – Romans 8:31-36; Genesis 6:18

Many believers see themselves in a disadvantaged position compared to others with physical advantages. This is a wrong mind-set and position to take. Lack of covenant consciousness gives you a notion that you are at a disadvantage in life. Never have the mindset that you are a sheep set for the slaughter. It is not a covenant mindset. Why don’t you develop a different mindset that puts you at an advantage better and greater than what is against you? Look at this scenario: a wolf wanting to attack a flock of sheep, only to find out as it gets closer that the shepherd is a lion! The advantage of the sheep is the shepherd that is greater than the wolf.

Romans 8:31-33 gives you an advantage. It does not make any difference whoever or whatever that is coming against you. It does not matter how many are against you. God wants you to be so sure that He is for you, that the other side is a conclusion: Who can be against you?

If somebody is against you, the person is standing on a temporary, slippery and dangerous position.

He is trying to build something in us, and I want your consciousness to be filled with that. Many things attempt to be against us and put us at a disadvantage in the world, but one thing is sure, if you are born again: God is on your side.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, help me always to take the covenant position at every juncture of my life. I take advantage of the covenant, and I will never be at a disadvantaged position in life.

Numbers 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Psalm 62:1-12, Proverbs 11:18-19


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