
04 December 2024: Embracing the Roles of Man and Woman in Marriage (2) – Psalms 112:1-3, Psalms 128

Yesterday, we established that for a man to truly be joined to his wife, he must first leave his father and mother, assuming his role of headship in the home.

Over the years, I have observed men raised in homes where their mothers subverted their fathers’ authority. The result is often a deep-rooted rebellion against male authority and an unnecessary intimidation by women. While it may temporarily, please a woman to turn her son against his father, that same woman will not be as pleased when her son begins to submit to his wife instead. Eventually, she may turn on her daughter-in-law, kindling conflict. I have seen this pattern repeatedly and often remind such women that they are simply tasting the fruit of their own upbringing. A boy raised to honour both parents will grow into a man who defends and cares for them in their old age.

Today’s scripture highlights two key traits of a man who walks in strong headship:

1. His seed shall be mighty on the earth:

Every man must ensure that his children—sons and daughters alike—are equipped to thrive and not become victims in life.

2. Wealth and riches shall be in his house:
If a man’s household is marked by poverty, it is often a sign that he is not fully walking in alignment with God.

If you are fulfilling your role as a husband, your life should reflect the promises outlined in Psalm 128. I encourage every wife to regularly pray this Psalm over her husband, calling forth the blessings God has promised.

ACTION POINT: Declare Psalm 128 over yourself as a man and pray it over your husband as a woman.

Daniel 11:36-12:13, 1 John 4:1-21, Psalm 123:1-4, Proverbs 29:2-4


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