Never let anything replace faith in your life. Faith is the divine lifeline that God has made available for you as a believer to climb out of any hole or difficulty in life. I always tell you there are two things that the Lord asked me to master: how to be led by the Spirit and how to walk by faith. Faith is the key!
There are some practical steps of faith I want you to always apply.
1. Identify what you want or what you are dealing with. Place an identity on your desires or trouble. Faith prayers are focused and deliberate prayers, not vague. So put an identity to it.
2. Get a promise for what you want. Search Scriptures to see what God has said or promised on that matter you identified. God has said something about every issue in His Word.
3. Put the promise in your mouth. Keep confessing and declaring the promise. The solution to your problem is the promise, and only your declaration and confession can activate it.
4. Begin to act in accordance with the promise and your confession. Your action shows and reveals your beliefs, so act like it is so.
Faith is acting like it is so when it does not seem to be so, so that it can be so!
5. Start calling those things that be not as though they are. Start calling what you want or need that is not yet available or manifesting as if it now exists because it exists in the spirit realm and the more you call it forth, the more it manifests. Your words give life to it. Never ignore faith. Beloved, never let anything, anyone, replace your faith.
PRAYER: I receive divine enablement to do the work of faith. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 7:1-8:40, Acts 27:1-20, Psalm 7:1-17, Proverbs 18:22 SPIRIT MEAT ON ANDROID AND iOS Spirit Meat on Android: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatAndroid Spirit Meat on iOS: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatIOS YouVersion: http://bible.us/r/ ———————————————————— Jesus is Lord! ———————————————————— www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org www.soundcloud.com/reverendareogun www.dciradio.org https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatDailyDevotionalWhatsApp YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries +2348037252124 #SpiritMeat #ReverendAreogun ———————————————————— Copyright ©️ 2023 The public is hereby informed that exclusive copyright subsists in this work and therefore any attempt to reproduce, copy, distribute to public for commercial purposes, publish any translation of the work, make any film in respect of the work, make an adaptation of the work, either the whole or substantial part of the work, either in its original form or in any form recognisably derived from the original is an infringement on the right of the author and subject to litigation unless and except the author has officially and clearly authorized the said person or persons or the author is clearly acknowledged in the work.