
01 Jan 2022: YOU ARE A BUILDING – Psalm 11:3

Welcome to January 2022, a year that the Lord has spoken so much about. The Lord has said we will rule by revelation this year. It is going to be your most accurate year and life will be simplified for you this year. You will get things right 100% and ALL WILL BE AT REST!

It is important we hit the ground running in 2022 by getting the foundation right, which is why I want to take you on a journey this month on BUILDING ON THE RIGHT FOUNDATION!

From our text in Psalm 11:3, the Bible says, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” You must pay attention to what you are built on.

You are a building! Every human being on the face of the earth is a building. Apart from the fact that you are building on something daily, you must also recognise that you have been built on certain things that govern your attitude to life over the years. As you build things on the lives of people, you are also a building in the hands of somebody else.

A child is a building in the hands of his father. So, if a father keeps telling his son that education is not important because the boy can inherit all his wealth, he is building something in the life of that boy which will govern his attitude to life. There is little a teacher can do to help that kind of a boy, because he will attend classes with the mindset that all they are saying does not matter to his future.

The only way we can get it right after we have been built wrong, is to return to God; because nothing will change until we are sincere with ourselves. Find out where you have been wrongly built and ask God to help you.

PRAYER: Lord, let there be a divine correction of any faulty foundation, help me to get it right and keep getting better in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Genesis 1:1-2:25, Matthew 1:1-2:12, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6

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