
25 April 2024: ATTACKS OF THE DEVIL AGAINST YOUR FAITH (2) – Luke 22:31-32

Remember that the devil launches assaults against Christians with the goal of making their faith fail. You will face times of doubt and questions. Most times, the demands of God won’t make sense to you. Rather, be steadfast; let your faith fail not. Some other attacks against your faith are:

3. Attacks against the Church
The Church is the centre of operations of faith. The devil stirs up governmental policies against the Church. The secular world hurls insults and negative statements against the Church. Many social media users also ridicule the Church every day. There will continue to be attacks against the Church, church membership, and leadership. However, the Church will go on, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

4. Attacks against the Bible
As the coming of Jesus is approaching, the influence of the spirit of the antichrist is going to increase significantly against the word of God. Jesus said, “It is written…”, and the devil had no answer to the written word of God. That is why he will do everything to stop people from accessing the truth in the Bible. Watch out against such attacks, and instead, feed yourself with more of God’s word.

It doesn’t matter what the world or the devil does; not a jot of God’s word will ever go unfulfilled.

Every word of prophecy from the Bible is a reality for the future.

PRAYER: Father, I keep my eyes on you and your word. The future of the world is in your word. My faith will not fail in Jesus name. Amen!

Judges 4:1-5:31, Luke 22:35-53, Psalm 94:1-23, Proverbs 14:3-4


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