Don’t Give Up! Keep Praying! Daniel understood from the books that it was time for them to be released from exile, and he began to pray. He stayed in the place of prayer for 21 days. The angel came on the 21st day, saying that the prince of Persia withstood him, and he had to summon Michael, the one in charge of battles.
That is why we do not give up because there are spiritual oppositions when we are interceding. Angels are fighting, the forces of heaven are also raging and they need you to keep up until there is a manifestation.
If Daniel had stopped on the fifth day, what would have happened? However, he kept at it until he saw the manifestation. When you have such a burden, do not stop until that burden is lifted. You cannot lift a burden by faith and say, “Father, I just roll this burden away in the name of Jesus, and I claim it!” That cannot work!
If we do our job well, more sinners will be saved, and more people that God has called who are running away from the call will begin to heed the call and obey God. It is in the place of such prayer when the Holy Ghost comes to lay that burden upon our spirits that wonders happen, and the power of God breaks loose upon us. There are countless testimonies about positive responses to such a burden of the Lord. If God will find faithful watchmen, fewer evil occurrences will happen, and more of the glory of God will be seen manifesting on earth.
PRAYER: Father, I receive grace and strength to stay in the place of prayer continually. I will not faint or be weary in prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 7:1-28; 1 John 1:1-10; Psalm 119:153-176; Proverbs 28:23-24
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