
07 February 2024: JEHOVAH JIREH – THE GOD OF FINANCIAL AND MATERIAL MIRACLES (2) – Luke 8:1-3, 2 Kings 7:1-7, John 6:1-13

Today, we will continue to examine the financial miracles God has for His children.

4. God puts men under divine command to do things for you: In Luke 8, certain women ministered to the needs of Jesus through their substance. There are human beings that God has put under command to favour you and help you on the road of life.

The devil attacks the destiny of many people through hindrance, but God has helpers scattered on the road of life for you.

5. Release of favour to cause assistance, jobs and calls to come for you: Nehemiah received such when the king gave him a favour and released all the materials he needed. Esther also received such when the king signed the decree to counter the decree of Haman to wipe out the children of Israel. Daniel received such in his day, and Moses received such from the daughter of Pharaoh.

6. The miracle of magnification of efforts: In Second Kings Chapter 7, we see the story of the four lepers. Their feet were just shuffling and dragging on the dusty ground, but God caused the enemies to hear a massive army movement, and they ran away and left all their resources. God caused a magnification of the efforts of the four lepers.

7. The miracle of the multiplication of resources: In John chapter 6, we see Jehovah Jireh multiplying five loaves and two small fishes to feed five thousand men not counting women and children, and they still had twelve baskets left. That miracle happened twice in the life of Jesus. He can still do the same for you today!

PRAYER: Lord, I pray that from today my path will begin to cross with the people you have placed on my journey in life to favour me. I receive divine multiplication over all that is mine in Jesus name.

Exodus 26:1-27:21, Matthew 25:1-30, Psalm 31:1-8, Proverbs 8:1-11

(Please note that you can follow this month's devotional on YouVersions's The Bible App using the link: http://bible.us/r/)


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