
21 November 2023: THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE WORD OF GOD (1) – JOHN 17:17, ACTS 1:8


Christianity stands on two legs:
a. The Word of God, and
b. The Holy Spirit

You are not to go for one and think that is all you will ever need, else the devil will defeat you. Some churches and some Christians are strong in the word but weak in the Spirit while some are strong in the Spirit but weak in the word. Both of them are not balanced, though one is better. It is better to be strong in the word of God and be weak in the Spirit than to be strong in the Spirit and be weak in the word.

If you are strong in the word and weak in the Spirit, you will be safe, though you may not make as much progress as you want in terms of speed – but you can be sure that you will be preserved. This is the reason there are churches that do not have anything to do with the Spirit, but yet have been able to keep themselves in the word.

If you are strong in the Spirit and weak in the word, you are likely to go into error because God gave us the Bible as a guide to show us the limits of safety in our explorations in the spirit realm.

The Bible tells you what is within limits or off limits for you.

The process that will give you safety is to first be sound in the word and then become strong in the Spirit afterwards.

PRAYER: Lord, I surrender to the ministry of the word and the Holy Spirit in my life. Come to me by your spirit through your word and by your word through your spirit in Jesus name. Amen.

Ezekiel 42:1-43:27; James 5:1-20; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 28:6-7
YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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