
17 November 2023: THE ‘ANOTHER’ ADVANTAGE (1) – JOHN 14:16-26


The word for ‘another‘ in the Greek language is “Allos Parakletos“, that is, “another comforter of the same kind“. When Jesus was making these statements, he was dwelling with the disciples physically, but now He is dwelling in us, and you must know how to work the indwelling of the Holy Spirit into becoming an outworking of God in your life.

The Holy Ghost does not want your body to be a prison to Him.

Your body must be a vehicle for the Holy Ghost.

Having the Holy Ghost means you carry the greatest personality on the earth in you. The devil becomes powerful only in the lives of Christians that are not allowing the Holy Ghost to dwell in their lives.

When Jesus was speaking in John 14:20, the disciples were not baptized in the Holy Ghost; they were not even born again, but you, as a believer in this generation, have access to salvation and Holy Ghost baptism. It is an awesome thought to know and walk in the reality of the truth – ‘That I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you‘ – that is an interwoven linkage with divinity.

This is the day that you are living in as a believer and so your life should be a mixture of the manifestation of humanity and divinity. People that see you should know that though you are a man, there is something in you that is beyond the physical, and that comes as you begin to allow the Holy Ghost to express Himself in you.

PRAYER: Come Holy Spirit I need you, come sweet Spirit I pray, come in your presence and anointing, come in your own special way into my life, in Jesus name. Amen.

Ezekiel 35:1-36:38; James 1:1-18; Psalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 27:23-27
YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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