While divine calling sets you apart from others, it also makes you attractive to the devil. The devil will seek to hijack and twist your calling to his purposes by various means which include propagating an error. As a calling carrier, you must know the critical things surrounding the calling to enter the place of your calling correctly. It will also help you to avoid shallow truths so that you don’t end up as a casualty. You must prepare and develop yourself in your calling.
When you listen to a professor, you expect that he or she would give you more information and insight than a student. The same applies when people listen to a called man. There is a higher expectation of what they can receive from him. Even in your secular job, there will be a greater and higher expectation of you than your colleagues because you are called. So, there is a need for you to develop yourself in your calling and life. When you stand on the platform of your calling, there should be a distinct demonstration that you are there to bring God onto the scene.
A great calling with little or no development will lead to great disaster and failure.
It is not sufficient to just accept your calling; you must develop, apply, and exert yourself in that calling to be all that God called you to be. God rewards faithfulness with fruitfulness. Therefore, do not focus only on fruitfulness in the calling. Be faithful to your calling and God will add fruitfulness to it.
PRAYER: I receive grace to develop myself in my calling and to be faithful to it in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 22:1-23:29; John 10:1-21; Psalm 115:1-18; Proverbs 15:18-19 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!)
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