
08 May 2023: GOD ANOINTS SUBMISSION (1) – Psalm 133:1; Luke 22:40-42

In the course of our study this month, we have looked at two things that God anoints, namely Sonship and Divine Choice. We will proceed today by looking at another thing that God anoints and that is Submission. Let me quickly show you the difference between submission and agreement. If somebody says you should do something that you like to do, that’s agreement. However, if somebody says you should do something that you don’t like to do but is of God and you agree to do it, that is submission. You need to know that it is submission that God anoints.

Submission is higher than agreement because submission has to do with the will of God while agreement has to do with the will of man.

If I want to travel, you want to travel as well, and I say, “Can we go together in my car?” If you say, “Yes sir, I already want to go”, that is an agreement. However, if you don’t want to travel but I say, “The Holy Spirit says you should get dressed and travel with me now” and you say, “I’m so tired, but I will dress up now and go with you”, that is submission. Submission carries more weight in the spirit and that is what Heaven commits to.

You will come to a point in life and destiny where you will have to choose between your will and the will of the Father. It is always a wise decision to give up your will for the will of God. That is the place where you qualify for the anointing.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to align my will to the will of the Father. Amen!

1 Samuel 2:22-4:22; John 5:24-47; Psalm 106:1-12; Proverbs 14:30-31
(Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: Thank you!) 

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