Since the time of Adam when God gave authority and dominion to man, God does nothing on the earth without the cooperation of man; He will always look for a man. When God wants to save a people, He will look for a man in the place of intercession to agree with Heaven’s agenda. He looked for a Noah to deliver man from a flood (Gen. 6:7-22), for an Abraham to produce the Messianic nation (Gen. 12:1-3; Mat. 1:1-17), for a Jonah to save Nineveh (Jon. 1:1-2; 3:1-10), and for a Jesus to save the world (Lu. 2:7-11).
God has practically handed over what happens on the earth into the hands of man, but because of the interruption of Satan, evil still prevails. However, when God gets a man that cooperates with His programme on the earth, His power is released. That is the choice of God upon your life as an individual.
God wants you to be that person that can stand in the gap for your family, for the purpose of God in your land, for the counsel of God over your nation, for the purpose of God over the nations of the earth, and for different individuals in your life. God desires you in the role of an intercessor there so that you can be the “gate of Heaven”, to open the things of God upon individuals, people, and nations as you stand in the place of prayer for them. Being an intercessor is an opportunity for you to birth what God is doing on the face of the earth and to destroy the works of the devil.
PRAYER: Father, I answer Your call for intercessors over individuals, people, and nations. I cooperate with You to birth Your will in this world through my prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 6:1-7:27; Mark 3:7-30; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 10:3-4
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