
23 Oct 2021: THE FAITHFUL IS THE QUALIFIED – 1 Samuel 16, Matthew 25:14-29

God rejected all the sons Jesse paraded before Samuel because they didn’t have what God was looking for. God was not just looking for a king over Israel, He was looking for a shepherd over His people. The only person that qualified was not even in the house the day the prophet came but God knew where he was; He was at his duty post.

There is a duty and a duty post that God has attached to you to prepare you for the prophetic thing that He assigned to you. You find people that are parading in the house of God, attending church whenever they like. They come in at any time, waiting for the day that someone will notice them. God is aware of the gift that He gave you, but He wants you to qualify yourself. David was right there playing the harp to animals, chasing lions, watching over the flock. He wasn’t risking his life, rather, a sense of responsibility was developing inside him.

If your duty is to sweep the church and you do it well, God is taking notice. One of the reasons many people fail is because they ignore the small and little things that God is working through.

Every minister that is doing something great for God today will tell you that the greatness you see in them today is rooted in something that they did years before. It is in the place of faithfulness that you develop and acquire abilities that will be needed in the day of your enthronement.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace for the right response to the things God is using to prepare me for the future. Amen.

Jeremiah 42:1-44:23, 2 Timothy 2:1-21, Psalms 92:1-93:5, Proverbs 26:3-5

Beloved of God,

Greetings of love in Jesus name.

I am glad to inform and invite you to the upcoming 47th ALL NATIONS' WOMEN CONGRESS on world evangelization.

DATE: OCTOBER 22-24, 2021.
TIME: Friday (5pm-8pm), Saturday (8am-2pm), Sunday (8am)

It’s a special Question and Answer time + mentoring clinic on the practical side of women that are heavily involved with the moves of God and deep operations of the Holy Spirit these last days!
*Relationships & Associations
*Business and economic development
*Career advance
*Domestic affairs- housekeeping and all
*Marital issues
*Emotional healing and stability
*self grooming, poise & physical appearance
*Advanced self education
*Fitness and Health plans

VENUE: Dream Centre HQs, Osogbo , Osun State. Nigeria.

Registration can be done at https://solaareogunministries.org/anwc

Great encounters awaits you in God’s presence!
Be there! all things are ready!
Jesus is Lord!

Rev Oyenike Areogun

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