
05 January 2023: PRINCIPLES OF OPERATING IN THE SPIRIT REALM (1) – Hebrews 11:3; 1 Corinthians 2:13; Hosea 14:2

The Holy Spirit makes the reality of the spirit realm real in our lives. The spirit realm is the realm of God. We must know that we are beings of eternity praying through the Eternal Spirit to the Eternal God Who lives in the eternal realm. For us to effectively pray, therefore, we must learn the principles of operation in that realm.

The spirit realm is the realm where words carry more power than guns or money. The very universe was created by words. Battles in the spirit realm are fought, won, or lost by words.

The Bible has so much to say about words and we will do well to study how to use our words to get us good things from that realm. Note this: We can’t have anything in this physical realm except what we obtain from the spiritual realm. The Bible says that no man can have anything except it is given to him from above. The purchasing agent in that realm is WORDS.

It is very comforting to note that Paul says the Holy Ghost will teach us the words to use. The only way to get words that will purchase things or increase your purchasing power in the spirit realm is to get them from the Bible. Begin now to use those words to purchase all the good things you desire. Some people are speaking the wrong things and purchasing death. Your satisfaction in this life depends on what you are purchasing with your tongue from the spirit realm.

PRAYER (ACTION): Take five minutes today to declare God’s word over your life, situations, and circumstances. God will perform His words.

Genesis 11:1-13:4; Matthew 5:1-26; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 1:24-28

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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