

“Make me” before “give me” is the sure way to greatness in life. God wants to prepare you for what He has prepared for you. You only need to cooperate with the making process God is taking you through, and when you are made, He’ll give you things without restriction. However, if you ask to be given things before you’re made, you’ll waste them.

God will not give you what you cannot handle. God will wait for you until you are ready.

Joseph was made by God. God spent 13 years preparing him for the throne of Egypt He had prepared for him. When Joseph had learnt how to manage things and people in Potiphar’s house, God sent him to the prison also to learn sensitivity to both Him (God) and man, and then he was ready to reign.

Don’t be in a hurry that you don’t have what to use when you get to where you are going. Let God make you first, and He will then give you. Many people got into great offices in the Kingdom and messed up because they were not prepared; they didn’t go through any process.

For example, every discipline has a process they take people through before they release them to function in life. In engineering, there are pupil engineers. In medicine, there is housemanship where you learn under a senior doctor before you are allowed to practise on your own. The process of God cannot be lesser; He makes us before He gives us.

PRAYER: Lord, make me before You give me so that I don’t waste divine resources. Amen!

1 Samuel 14:1-52; John 7:31-53; Psalm 109:1-31; Proverbs 15:5-7
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YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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