As an intercessor, do not let your prayer be religious. Don’t have religious family altar prayers every day without caring whether they are answerable prayers or not. Don’t pray, “Lord, as we are going out, we will not meet someone evil”. That is not what the Word of God tells you. When your prayer is not based on the Word, you will be praying amiss. The first thing is to let the Holy Spirit settle your spirit with the Word of God. You are to take your prayer from the Word and not the other way around.
When our children were young in primary school and we told them to pray, their prayers then always began with, “As we want to sleep tonight, God, do not let any bad thing happen to us”. Their prayers were always centred on evil. So, I corrected them and asked, “What about what God has said should happen? What about ‘He has given His angels charge over you (Psa. 91:11)?’” I guided them to pray Word-based prayers. Most times people have not fed their spirits with the Word, so their prayer is fear-based.
An effective Intercessor will spend a lot of time in the Word to know the mind of God. The goal of intercession is to birth God’s will, which is always in alignment with what God has said in His Word.
When you are not fed with the Word, fear rises, and you will try to handle that fear with self-generated prayers. At such times, you will pray unanswerable prayers.
PRAYER: Lord, guide me into accuracy in the place of prayer as I establish myself in Your Word in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 20:1-49; Hebrews 9:11-28; Psalm 107:1-43; Proverbs 27:11
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