
25 December 2022: INTIMACY WITH GOD: A CRITICAL NECESSITY FOR MARRIAGE (2) – John 10:1-5; Genesis 2:23-24

Let me reiterate that the number one criterion that qualifies a man to be a husband or the head of a home is his ability to hear God. It will strengthen faith in the heart of your child. It is more than seating the boy down and giving him Bible Study. That your son knows “My Daddy hears God” is more than going to boast in school that “My Daddy is the Governor of the state” or “My Daddy is the President of America”. Your son should be able to boast because he knows you hear God correctly and accurately always and you are not a confused person. There is an assurance in such a child that “God is in our house. No matter what trouble, we will come out.” That is how it is supposed to be. However, a father that can’t hear God is a great disaster. Some men deceive themselves and say it is their wives that are intercessors. Such men have failed in their duties as the priests and the prophets of their homes.

A married man must be in such a state that the voice of the Lord is clear to him over issues.

When our son was much younger and his friends asked him what university he was going to choose, his course of choice and things like that, he told them, “My Daddy is still praying about it. When he’s done and has heard from God, he will tell me.” That is a good testimony for a father. These are things that children of Christian parents should boast about in school. “My Daddy hears God” is better than “My Daddy has just bought the latest LCD, etc.”

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank You because Your voice gets clearer to me every day in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Zechariah 8:1-23; Revelation 16:1-21; Psalm 144:1-15; Proverbs 30:29-31

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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