A young girl came to see me for counselling years ago. She was a nursing student in South West Nigeria. She wrote a letter to us and said she wanted to commit suicide because she didn’t know why she came to the world. She said she didn’t know how God could create someone with a nose like hers.
I replied to her not to kill herself but should come over so we could talk. And when she came to see me after the service that Sunday, I looked at the people waiting, and I didn’t see anybody with a funny nose. So, I said, “Where is the girl with the nose problem?” She came out and said she was the one. I said, “Wahoo! You are beautiful, your nose is alright.” I’m sure somebody must have made a funny statement to her when she was young about her nose and there was no father to make a counter-statement.
There was no father to have made a pre-statement before the derogatory statement came to her.
Every father should make correct statements into the spirits, the recesses of the souls of their children before somebody sent by the devil begins to tell them something wrong.
They should be able to reply to such agents of the devil that, “It’s too late. I already know who I am. I already know that my height is alright. I already know that my size is alright. I already know that my face is alright. My father has already told me. I heard that even while I was in the womb.”
PRAYER: I pray for every male reading this sharing, may God raise you as a correct father in Jesus’ name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 39:1-41:16, Matthew 12:46-13:23, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 3:33-35
Dearly Beloved of God, Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are specially invited to the 2022 edition of our ANNUAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY (ASOM) with the theme: KINGDOM GROWTH versus CHURCH GROWTH.
Every year, ASOM has been a mountain where Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Heads of Ministries, Associate Pastors, Missionaries and all those in active ministry come to refresh, renew, re-fire their spirits and encounter the God of their calling. The details of this year’s edition of ASOM are as follows:
Date: 3rd – 5th February, 2022 (Thursday – Saturday).
Time: Thursday – 5pm, Friday – 8am, and Saturday – 8am (GMT+1)
Venue: The Dream Centre Headquarters, Close to November 27 Interchange (Ona baba Ona Bridge) before the State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria
Registration: Click on https://solaareogunministries.org/events/asom2022/ to complete online registration OR when you arrive at the conference. Registration is FREE.
Enquiries: For enquiries on accommodation, feeding, tapes and books from this conference and other logistics, please call +234(0)9079912254; 08036207471; 07064335373 and 08037252124.
All things are ready.
Jesus is LORD!
Forever His,
Rev & Rev (Mrs) Olusola Areogun