
29 October 2024: THE STREAM OF KINGDOM FATHERING FOR A DANIEL (2) – Galatians 4:1-2, Psalms 127:4-5

One of the highlights of a Daniel is that they submit to the divine structure and process under the watch of a father. You can’t generate the structure on your own unless somebody has put it inside you. As you begin to succeed as a Daniel, you must be watchful of pseudo-fathers who don’t know your beginning, who have no stake in your success and will want to replace your real father. Such fathers will only get you into trouble. You must know the difference between your real father and your spoiler.

Your spoiler is somebody that is going to flatter you; he just wants to boost your ego and get you off course. When your head begins to get bigger than your neck, there is trouble! Your success, however, will be traced back to your father. He has a stake in your future, whether success or failure.

Beware of the voices that want to inflame negative passions inside you.

Beware of voices that say, “They are using you.” It is God that puts you through structures and you cannot graduate yourself. There is a time set by the Father. The guardians and stewards will set the structure, and the greater your destiny, the tougher the structure that you must go through. If you receive the guidance and stewardship early in life, it becomes easier as you go through life. If you want your life to be easy, do the hard things early. However, if you want your life to be hard, do the easy things first.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to every way I am being limited by a spoiler and help me to embrace correct fathering in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Lamentations 1:1-2:22, Philemon 1:1-25, Psalms 101:1-8, Proverbs 26:20


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Jesus is Lord! 


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