
16 December 2024: The Power of Joining in Marriage (2) – Matthew 19:6

Ouiou need to understand that God designed marriage not as a partnership but as a divine joining. This is clearly stated in the Bible: “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6). Shift your mindset from the partnership model and embrace the concept of joining. In God’s design for marriage, it requires a complete commitment — 0:100 and 100:0 from both sides — not a mere 50:50 split. This principle is non-negotiable and not open for discussion.

Scripturally, marriage cannot afford compromise; it must be based on agreement.

For true agreement to exist, there must be headship and submission, as well as a shared vision. Unity is built on this common vision, while disunity arises from division. A lack of submission leads to di-vision, which disrupts harmony.

When you cling to your own vision, it creates a rift in your marriage. Two visions cannot coexist; they indicate different directions. A family cannot function effectively when members are pulling in opposite ways. You cannot raise children with conflicting values, regardless of cultural or ethnic backgrounds. There must be a unified approach to parenting; agreement is essential for a clear direction.

The person who establishes the family vision plays a critical role. If a man undermines his headship and a woman fails to submit, they have both unwittingly entered a covenant that invites premature death into their lives.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to move away from the partnership system in my marriage. Help me to walk in agreement and right joining in Jesus’ name.

Michée 5 :1-7 :20, Apocalypse 7 :1-17, Psaume 135 :1-21, Proverbes 30 :5-6


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