
15 novembre 2024 : EXPRIMER LA NATURE DIVINE – 2 Corinthiens 5:17

god couldn’t do everything He wanted to do for Israel for two reasons:
1. Ils ne sont pas nés de nouveau.
2. Ils n’ont pas été baptisés du Saint-Esprit.

It is impossible for a man to fulfil his original mandate from God without these two experiences and learning to walk in their reality.

This is why there are human beings with great capacity and potential in their creation, but because they are not born-again, you see a confusing side of their lives. You will see a professor who has reached the peak of his career development yet goes to do something as appalling as marrying his daughter’s classmate as a second wife. You will see presidents of nations that are not different from animals in the way they sleep around with women; multi-millionaire businesswomen that one husband does not satisfy, etc.

These conflicts of experiences make up the narratives of their unsaved lives. On one side, you see nobility, and on the other side, you will find bestiality; on one side, you will see something that looks like God, and on the other side, you see something that looks like the devil because they have not come into agreement with God’s plan. We cannot be man fully until we are saved and baptised in the Holy Ghost. Salvation brings God’s nature into you. Baptism in the Holy Ghost brings you into the experience and expression of the nature of God which doesn’t happen automatically. Trying to be good without godliness will cause you to end up being capable of atrocities that will make you afraid of yourself.

PRAYER: Lord, let the full potential of my destiny be released without compromising my flesh as I rely on Your Spirit. Amen.

Ézéchiel 31:1-32:32, Hébreux 12:14-29, Psaume 113:1-114:8, Proverbes 27:18-20


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