
21 October 2024: SEEING BEYOND TODAY: THE VISION OF DANIELS – Daniel 2:10-19, 27-30

Daniels are individuals who remain unshaken by external influences. They do not idolize occultists or anyone who disrespects God. Instead, they carry themselves with a quiet dignity and firm respect for their faith. Daniel exemplified this when he told the king, “…Let your gift be to another” (Daniel 5:17). This attitude extends beyond those in full-time ministry. Though Daniel was not a pastor, his prophetic insight was unmatched. Likewise, Joseph, though not a full-time minister, instructed his children, “…Don’t bury my bones in Egypt. God will visit you, so carry my bones from here” (Genesis 50:25).

In Matthew 27:50-53, we see a remarkable event: “… and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection,” Joseph was among those resurrected. By faith, he ensured his bones were transported centuries ahead to witness a future prophetic event. Members of the Daniel’s company have this vision—they operate with a forward-looking perspective, making decisions today based on tomorrow. Unlike Esau, who sacrificed his future for immediate gratification, Daniels maintain a strong vision for the future.

I believe everyone is chosen by God for a specific time.

Even if you are not actively fighting for a position, support is building up for you. Your time may be nearing. Ensure you are found blameless and prepared.

PRAYER: Father, I choose Your choice for me. I ask that You order my steps into training and sensitize me to it in Jesus’ name.

Jérémie 37 :1-38 :28, 1 Timothée 6 :1-21, Psaume 89 :38-52, Proverbes 25 :28


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