
15 September 2024: HINDRANCES TO THE WEALTH FLOW (1) – Luke 15:11-14

Always recognise things that hinder and limit the wealth flow in your direction. Greed, competition, folly, pride and crime are some of the enemies of wealth flow. A thief doesn’t mind the cost and expenses of anything because it’s not his money. And when he doesn’t have money, because he’s living on illegal and unrealistic costs and expenses, he is pressured to commit more crimes. Illegal life will cause you to start developing more expensive tastes than your real and righteous level.

You must learn how not to incur the costs of the man earning ₦50,000 or more while you are earning ₦5000. Believe in God for intervention, and you will see His Hand come into your life saying, “I can reduce the cost for you.” It is not that you incur the cost and ask God to pay the price, no. Don’t let your folly, pride, greed, and competition cause you to incur the costs and then tell God to pay.

Let your obedience and followership of God bring you to a place where God says, “I reduce the cost for you.”

Another key lesson to learn if you will generate a wealth flow is that a relationship can bring you around people who have high costs and expenses in their lives, but you must never tap into it. Otherwise, those costs will wipe you out. Wisdom is finding how to maintain the cost and expenses of ₦50,000 when you are earning ₦5,000,000.

Over the years, I’ve taught people to live one step below their level. Learn that the secret of walking in the wealth flow is finding how to reduce your costs and expenses while your earnings are increasing. What shocks me is that most wealthy people are doing this while most poor people with low incomes, are incurring high costs and expenses.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to see every hindrance and limitation to the wealth flow in my life. I separate myself from these hindrances and limitations, and I connect to a continuous flow of wealth in Jesus’ name.

Isaiah 19:1-21:17, Galatians 2:1-16, Psalm 59:1-17, Proverbs 23:13-14


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