Labour to be the blessed because the blessing produces a release of mercy that ensures that the person that is blessed is spared. Labour to be that person that God will look at and put His hand of blessing upon. How will you like it for God to fight your battles for you? How will you like to have the kind of life that you are more than a conqueror? There is a conqueror that will fight your battle and cause you to enjoy the victory – that is a blessed life, which is superior to the rich life. However, many Christians envy the rich man without knowing that they are carrying something superior.
When you do not know what you carry, you do not respect it, and so it does not work because you do not cultivate or protect it.
You must cultivate and protect the life of blessing you have as a redeemed child of God. David was under the blessing of God though he was not tall. Saul was tall but he was not carrying the blessing. If you are the blessed, it affects the attitude of the Holy Spirit and men towards you.
The most awkward thing for men to release is what they have worked for, but when you carry the blessing, it changes the atmosphere of people around you. There is a disposition of men that the blessed person enjoys which the person that is not blessed does not enjoy. You must protect the channels of blessing in your life by understanding that it is not the money in your pocket that you are protecting but the blessing upon you.
PRAYER: Father, I receive grace to cultivate and protect this life of the blessed that you have given me in Jesus’ Name.
BIBLE EN UNE ANNÉE : Esther 1:1-3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Psalm 35:17-28, Proverbs 21:19-20 VIANDE SPIRITUELLE SUR ANDROID ET iOS Spirit Meat on Android: Spirit Meat on iOS: YouVersion: ———————————————————— Jésus est Seigneur! ———————————————————— Chaîne YouTube - Sola Ministères Areogun +2348037252124 #SpiritMeat #ReverendAreogun ——————————————————— Droits d'auteur ©️ 2023 Le public est informé que les droits d'auteur exclusifs subsiste dans cet ouvrage et donc toute tentative de reproduction, copier, distribuer au public à des fins commerciales, publier tout traduction de l'œuvre, réaliser tout film relatif à l'œuvre, faire une adaptation de l'œuvre, en totalité ou substantiellement partie de l'œuvre, soit dans sa forme originale, soit sous une forme quelconque reconnaissable dérivé de l'original est une atteinte à la droit de l'auteur et sujet à litige à moins que et sauf l'auteur a officiellement et clairement autorisé ladite personne ou des personnes ou l'auteur est clairement mentionné dans l'œuvre.