You must learn this truth about giving. A donation does not carry the same impact as a seed. When you give to the secular or the not-anointed, it is a donation. However, when you give to the spiritual or the anointed, it is a seed.
Christians must make this distinction clearly, especially in these last days when there is so much misconception about the assignment and the purpose of the Church. The devil wants to seduce the Church to leave the spiritual assignment of soul-winning and Kingdom expansion and be lost in social work only.
If we do not build schools, orphanages, etc., there are enough secular organisations to do these noble jobs. However, if the Church does not hold crusades, preach on the television, or build churches, which government has a budgetary allocation for these must-do commands of the Master?
The fact that churches are wealthy is no reason for the Body of Christ to spend God’s money on matters that do not directly bring souls into the Kingdom of God.
What do you think He would do if Jesus came into the world again?
– Build a church or an orphanage?
– Hold a crusade or establish a microfinance bank?
Whenever the Church begins to lose spiritual focus, it gets involved in social work at the expense of the assignment of winning the lost.
When the Bible says we should help the poor, what type of poor do you think God was talking about – the poor in the Church or the poor who are not interested in the Gospel?
PRAYER: Father, help me to master the difference between seed and donation so I do not fall for the deception of replacing my seed with a donation in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 19:1-21:17; Galatians 2:1-16; Psalm 59:1-17; Proverbs 23:13-14
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