
27 Nov 2021: WHEN YOU SPEAK IN TONGUES, YOU EDIFY YOURSELF (2) – 1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 20 (AMPC)

Sometimes, you don’t feel like doing anything, including praying. You should watch out for such times because they are often dangerous moments. Whenever you feel like this, just pray in tongues. Being refreshed and renewed is what we all need to think straight and clearly. For a child of God, it is not only sleep that brings refreshing to you.

Refreshing and renewal of your spirit and soul takes place as you pray in the spirit. Many Christians are serving God and serving man at the same time, and because of this, they are trying to take physical rest for spiritual labour but this is not going to work.

Several years ago, one of the research institutions in America did a test and they found out that a person that preaches energetically for one hour has done work that is equivalent to 13 hours of hard work. It is spiritual, so your spirit is giving out life, your soul is giving out energy and your body is being used. And if you are going to recover and renew yourself, it cannot be only physical.

As you speak in tongues, it brings a refreshing and a renewal to your spirit, a turning over of your spirit so that you do not endanger your spirit. And one of the things that speaking in tongues does is that it affects the condition of your spirit. It turns over the muscles of your spirit as it were, just like intellectual matter that you read and think on turns over the muscles of your mind.

PRAYER: Lord, I will walk conscious of the assistance, ministry, and communication of the Holy Spirit in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daniel 4:1-37, 2 Peter 1:1-21, Psalm 119:97-112, Proverbs 28:17-18

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