
29 December 2024: The Husband as a Joint (1) – 1 Corinthians 11:3

Jhe man is the head of the family. He serves as a vital joint in the family structure. Never lose sight of this truth: if a man connects himself to a negative flow, his wife’s prayers can only go so far and no further. As a man, you must ensure that you are consistently connected to the right flow, as this will determine the dominant influence affecting your children. I am a joint spiritually for the ministry and the people God has committed into my hands. Why must I keep my life pure and sound? It is because I don’t want to join the people in the church to wrong things.

Every father must recognize that he acts as a joint to his family, effectively linking his children to various spiritual flows. This awareness becomes particularly significant upon marriage. It is the direct responsibility of each father to connect his family to the flow from the head of the church.

When husbands embrace their spiritual responsibilities, families can experience greater blessings.

Now is the time for fathers to protect their families in the right way. If your son wakes up claiming he had a bad dream, what have you, as a father, been doing to prevent that? When the devil infiltrated the Garden of Eden, whom did God question? He called out, “Adam, where are you?” (Gen. 3:9). So, I ask you, man: where were you when spiritual troubles began in your home? Where were you then, and where are you now?

PRAYER: Lord, I connect my life, family, children, and business to the supernatural operations of God in Jesus name. Amen!

Zacharie 14 :1-21, Apocalypse 20 :1-15, Psaume 148 :1-14, Proverbes 31 :8-9


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