Today, we will look at the various ways people join themselves to different influences and activities.
1. Strange Activities: As a child of God, it is very important to remain perceptive and ask questions about odd practices. For instance, why must everyone walk a certain way before entering a room? Inquire about the meaning behind these actions, as your soul and future are at stake. I pray that God opens your eyes to see visions and grants you the ability to hear with His ears. May your heart align with His heartbeat.
2. Sex: The only safe expression of sex is within the covenant of marriage between a man and his wife. Engaging in sexual activities outside of this sacred bond can create deep spiritual connections that are difficult to sever.
3. Agreements or Contracts: Be careful about the agreements and contracts you enter into, as they can also create spiritual ties that influence your life.
4. Business Relationships: Avoid joining yourself to individuals with whom God is angry. The prophet warned Jehoshaphat, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord?” (2 Chronicles 19:2).
Ensure that your business associations align with God’s purpose for your life.
5. Laying on of Hands: We connect ourselves to various influences through the ministry of laying on of hands. You must be discerning about who lays hands on you and who you choose to lay hands on. This practice operates in two ways: it can either bring blessings into your life or allow negative influences to flow in. Be mindful of these connections, as they can profoundly impact your spiritual journey.
PRAYER: Lord, whatever has joined itself to me through strange activities of the past, begin to leave my life now in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Zechariah 8:1-23, Revelation 16:1-21, Psalm 144:1-15, Proverbs 30:29-31
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