
08 December 2024: The Power of True Joining in Marriage – Ecclesiastes 4:9, Deuteronomy 32:30

If a dirty water pipe connects to the plumbing in your home, you will end up drinking contaminated water. This is why it is necessary to understand what you are connected to in your marriage. You must inquire about what you are joined to, as these connections will determine what flows into your relationship.

Every man serves as a joint in life.

The futures of your children will largely be influenced by what their father connects them to—not just by their individual efforts. A man is a significant joint because when a woman marries, she becomes “Mrs. Man.” Whatever that man is joined to, she is automatically joined to as well.

The critical question is: Are you truly joined together, or are you merely cohabiting? Many marriages lack genuine “joining,” leaving the children unprotected. If the marital union is not solid, nothing the couple attempts will prosper; the devil gains a license to oppose and attack them whenever he chooses.

Remember, marriage is not a Western institution; it is not limited to Nigerian or African cultures. It is God’s institution, and we must look to Him for guidance on how to navigate it.
If you desire a home where champion spirits are nurtured, where the enemy cannot gain entry, and where the principle of exponential increase—one chasing a thousand and two chasing ten thousand—can thrive, then your marriage must be grounded in the concept of joining, not merely partnership.

ACTION POINT: Make a commitment today to run your marriage in line with God’s instructions.

Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Psalm 127:1-5, Proverbs 29:15-17


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